
Treaty of Hudaybiyyah

Background of the Peace of Hudaybiyah:

Ziqaad 6 Hijri 628 AD:

After the migration to Medina, Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa (peace be upon him) declared Medina as the center for the formation of the Islamic government, and this was the main purpose of the migration. So, on the one hand, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) established mutual love, unity and equality among the Muslims, and on the other hand, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also established relations with other people, the Jews and the Christians, the infidels of Madinah. In order to improve it, he established a peace treaty called the Treaty of Medina, according to the principle of “live and let live.” He (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) made every possible effort to correct the affairs and conditions even with the infidels of Makkah. It is very important in Islam.


Almost a year had passed since Ghazwa Khandaq and the days of Hajj were approaching. Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) saw in a dream that he (PBUH) was circumambulating the house of Allah with a large group of his companions, because the dreams of prophets are a type of revelation. That is why they are true in view of this dream in which the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was given the good news of success and prosperity for the future we’re waiting.

The passion of the Companions to visit the Kaaba:

A long period of six years had passed since the Sahabah had migrated from Makkah, since then they were deprived of visiting the Kaaba. For some time, the passion for pilgrimage was emerging in their hearts. After hearing this announcement, a group of about fourteen hundred Muslims prepared to perform Umrah in the company of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Makkah was the ancient homeland of Muslims, its greatness was not erased from their hearts, their souls always yearned for its memory and pilgrimage. He himself had so much devotion and love for his native land that on the occasion of his migration, he said, “O Makkah, I do not want to leave you, but it is God’s command if God wills.” So I will come back to visit you again. Anyway, from the time of Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him), the Kaaba was respected by all people. It was even more dear to the Companions because it was their Qiblah. They used to pray and worship facing him.

Departure from Medina for Umrah:

Khatam Muhammad Mustafa (peace be upon him) left Madinah for Umrah with a group of about fourteen hundred companions. He (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) put on Ihram with Dhul-Hulaifah and took the sacrificial camel with him. He (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) ordered that no one should carry weapons and war equipment with him so that the Quraysh would not put up any kind of resistance. On the other hand, when the Quraysh came to know, they thought that the Muslims were attacking Makkah and started making preparations for the war. Given that the Muslims have reached the Ghameem position.

Stop at Hudaybiyah:

After the departure of Khalid bin Waleed, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) changed his route and stayed at Hudaybiyya. was located The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) chose it for Qiyam because there was no possibility of war because the purpose of the Prophet (peace be upon him) was only to perform Umrah.

Reconciliation Attempt:

The Quraysh of Makkah had decided that they would not allow Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa (PBUH) and his companions to enter the center of Makkah, but he (PBUH) had come to pay homage and visit the House of Allah, so they All possible efforts of the Prophet (PBUH) were to avoid a battle. Muslims will never be allowed to enter, he said, Badil! Tell the Quraysh that we have come only to perform Umrah and not with the intention of war. The Quraysh know that the war has broken their backs, so it is better for them to make peace with us for a period of time. Badil conveyed the Prophet’s message to the Quraysh of Makkah, but they did not accept it and said that we will not allow the Muslims to enter Makkah under any circumstances. However, the Quraish sent Halis bin Alqamah as a Kanani ambassador from Makkah. His companions only want to visit Bait Allah, you have no right to stop them. On this, the youth of Quraish retorted and said that you are Bedouins, you cannot understand such matters. Some sensible people calmed his anger and prepared for reconciliation.

Representation of Urwa bin Masood Thaqafi:

In the meantime, some miscreants from Quraysh threatened to kill Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa, who was arrested and brought before him. In this way, they tried to thwart the peace efforts, but the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) proved his conciliatory insight by releasing them. He came to the service and wanted to intimidate the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) with his speech. “Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, suppose you have destroyed the Quraysh. Is there any example in Arabia of a person destroying his nation? But remember that if the direction of the war changes, your companions will leave you. will go.” Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique gave him a blunt answer. Urwa! Speak wisely. Your idea is completely wrong. How can we leave you and run away? Urwa used to grab the beard of Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa (peace be upon him) for everything. Hazrat Mughira bin Shuba did not like this way of talking, he hit Urwa’s hand with a sword handle and said, do you withdraw your hand or not? He will not return. This devotion of the Companions and the great love of the Prophet greatly affected Urwa. Then he also saw that the Companions did not let the water of the Prophet’s ablution fall on the ground. He used to take the saliva of the Prophet (PBUH) in his hands and apply it on his body. They used to try to outdo each other in responding to the voice of the Prophet (PBUH). After listening to all his conversation, Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa (peace be upon him) gave him the same answer that he had given to Badil bin Warqa before him. Urwa went back to Quraysh and said: “O people of Quraysh, I am in the royal court of Qaiser and Kasri. See, the love, devotion and affection in the assembly of Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, cannot be attained even by an emperor, so it is difficult for you to compete with Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace.” Later, Khatam Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa (peace be upon him) sent Khurash bin Umayyah al-Khuza’i with a message of peace, but the Quraysh treated him very badly and slaughtered Khurash’s camel. They wanted to kill him too, but Sahih returned to Salem with the support and support of Sardar Halis bin Alqamah Kanani.

Departure of Hazrat Usman Ghani:

Even after the unsuccessful return of Hazrat Khurash bin Umayyah, the Muslims continued their reconciliation efforts, although the Quraish of Makkah persisted in their despicable ways. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) chose Hazrat Umar Farooq to make the peace talks fruitful, but he apologized that the Quraysh of Makkah are my fiercest enemies and there is no man from my Banuadi tribe in Makkah who can support me. That Hazrat Usman Ghani should be sent as an ambassador, because firstly, he is a gentle and cool-tempered man, secondly, many members of his Banu Umayyad tribe are present in Makkah. Agreeing to Hazrat Umar’s proposal, he sent Hazrat Uthman Ghani as an ambassador. He went to Makkah in support of one of his beloved Aban bin Saeed. He met all the chiefs of Makkah. Allah’s message was delivered. Hazrat Uthman refused to circumambulate without him and his other companions. The Quraysh leaders got angry and stopped him for some time.

Bayat Rizwan: Ziqaad 6 Hijri

Owing to the delay in Hazrat Uthman’s return, rumors spread that he had been martyred. He (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said to the Companions, “We will not leave here until we take revenge for the blood of Usman.” So the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) sat under an acacia tree. The pledge of allegiance to all the Companions until the blood of Hazrat Usman was avenged. لَقَدْ رَضِيَ اللهُ عَنِ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ إِذْ يُبَايِعُونَكَ تَحتَ الشَّجَرَةِ (Al-Fath: 18) (Translation: “Indeed, Allah was pleased with the believers while they were pledging allegiance under the tree at the hand of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him.”) Allah is declaring His pleasure and happiness, so this pledge is called the pledge of Rizwan. There is no example of this type of pledge and agreement in the history of the world. Later it was proved that the rumor of the martyrdom of Usman was false. He returned safely.

Terms of the Treaty of Hudaybiyah (6 AH):

When the news of Rizwan’s pledge of allegiance and the passion of the Companions for martyrdom reached the Quraysh, they became soft and realized their mistake. When he considered the wrong results of obstinacy, he was willing to reconcile, so he sent his fast eloquent and eloquent orator, Suhail bin Amr, as his ambassador. Sohail attended the service of the Holy Prophet. And after a long discussion, peace was settled on the following terms and Hudaybiya Treaty of Peace was formally recorded.

Text Agreement:

This reconciliation has been decided between Muhammad bin Abdullah (peace be upon him) and Suhail bin Amr, both of them made this agreement.

  1. This year, Muslims should go back without visiting Bait Allah.
  2. Come next year, stay for only three days and return back, during which the Quraish will not stay near the Kaaba in Makkah.
  3. Muslims will not bring arms next year.
  4. If a person from Makkah becomes a Muslim and goes to Madinah, he will be returned, but if a Muslim (apostate) from Madinah comes to Makkah, he will not be returned.
  5. Do not take Muslims who are already living in Makkah with you. If a Muslim wants to stay in Makkah, he will not be stopped.
  6. The Arab tribes will have the right to become allies with whichever of the parties they wish.
  7. Meanwhile, the parties will control their emotions. They will not betray each other. ْ
  8. There will be no war for ten years. During this period, the parties will not oppress and abuse each other

A great example of patience:

On this occasion, instead of Holy Prophet, there would have been an ordinary warrior or the great ruler of the world, Alexander, Napoleon Hitler, then he would have preferred war and killing instead of peace, but the sacrifice was made on the victorious scholar who came as a message of peace in the world. Despite seeing the feelings and feelings of anger and resentment of his companions, he prepared Hudaybiyah peace agreement of accepting everything of Quraysh Makkah so that there will be no war and peace and no human lives will be lost but humanity will be blessed with life. During the writing of the contract, Sohail objected to بسم اللہ الرحمن الرحیم  (Bismillah Rahman Raheem) and wrote باسمک اللهم  (Bismack Allahum) according to the Arab constitution. When Hazrat Ali wrote the words of Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah, Sohail also objected to it, so according to his wish and against the will of Hazrat Ali, محمد بن عبداللہ (Muhammad bin Abdullah) was written. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, “You deny me, but الرحمٰن الرحیم (The Most Merciful) (Allah) confirms me.” Hudaybiya managed to settle the treaty.

The incident of Abu Jindal:

Although apparently the terms of Hudaybiyyah were against the Muslims, but due to politeness and respect, they were silent in front of the Messenger of Allah. While this agreement was being written, Abu Jundal, the son of Suhail bin Amr, who had already converted to Islam, had shackles put on his feet after hearing the peace agreement and came to serve him dragging the shackles. Seeing that, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) wanted Abu Jundal to be exempted from this agreement, but Suhail did not agree. The Companions were also very worried about this situation. Hazrat Umar eagerly attended the service and said, O Messenger of Allah, are you not on the right? He (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, “Surely we are on the right.” Hazrat Umar said that those people are polytheists and we are monotheists. He (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, “It is absolutely correct.” Hazrat Umar said, “If everything is correct, then why should we accept such humiliation in religion?” He replied, “I am the true Messenger of God. I cannot disobey Him. The Messenger of God cannot break a promise.” The Messenger of Allah ﷺ looked at Abu Jundal and said, Abu Jundal! Be patient, God Almighty will find a way for you and the weak Muslims, since now peace has been made, we cannot make bad promises. So Abu Jindal had to go back in the same condition.

The results of the Peace of Hudaybiyah and the good news of victory:

Although this peace was one-sided, but the later circumstances proved that the peace proved to be very useful for the elevation of Islam and its development. Among its results, the following are particularly noteworthy. They were thinking of their weakness and weakness. Allah revealed Surah Al-Fath and declared this agreement and reconciliation as victory. فتحا مبينا (فتح 1 )

Only peace

And Allah knows best

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