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Battle of Hunayn

Battle of Hunayn

6 Shawwal 8 Hijri:

The Battle of Hunain, which took place immediately after the conquest of Makkah, was the first battle in the history of Islam, in which the number of Muslims was around twelve thousand, and war equipment was abundant, and the number of infidels was around three to four thousand. The thought arose in his heart that he would face victory. But the preliminary result turned out to be the opposite, the details of which are as follows.


Hunain is the name of a valley between Makkah and Taif, since this battle was fought at this place, it is called the Battle of Hunain. This battle took place in 6 Shawwal year 8 Hijri.


After the conquest of Mecca, the scope of Islamic conquests became much wider as many tribes were converted to Islam. Banu Hawazin and Banu Thaqif were two tribes who had not yet become Muslims, so these conquests had a negative effect on them. The more dominant Islam was, they would have been more worried that the infidel state and distinction would not end, especially after the conquest of Makkah. . Due to this fear, the chiefs of the tribe of Hawazin and Thaqeef consulted with each other and passed a resolution to attack the Muslims living in Makkah so that their glory and honor would be preserved and the Muslims would be destroyed.

Involvement of women and children:

In the resolution that was passed between the chiefs of Hawazin and Thaqif, it was also decided that every tribe should bring their families to the battlefield because if the women and children were with them, their People will even sacrifice their lives for safety.

The incident of Dared Bin Sama:

This person was a famous poet and leader of Arabia, he was very old, he was very skilled in the arts of war, he could not fight by himself, but the infidels kept him with him for advice. All the tribes in the war had decided that they would also take their families to the battlefield as no one would be able to retreat because of them. But Dared Bin Sama said that when the feet are dislodged, then nothing can stop them because if defeated, they will face even more humiliation because of women and children. The children should be sent back but his advice was not accepted so he went back.

Preparation of Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa:

Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa (peace be upon him) was aware of all these events, but still he (peace be upon him) sent Abu Hadr Aslami to confirm these events. And informed Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa (peace be upon him), so he (peace be upon him) prepared for the fight.

War system:

There was a need for a loan for war supplies, so Abdullah bin Rabi’ah, who was Abu Jahl’s half-brother, was very wealthy. He (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) borrowed thirty thousand dirhams from him. Likewise, Safwan bin Umayyah, the chief ruler of Makkah, was very famous for his hospitality. Although he did not bring Islam. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) asked him to borrow weapons for war, so he presented a hundred pieces of armor.

Departure to Haneen:

So, on 6 Shawwal 8 Hijri corresponding to January and February 630 (AD), the Islamic armies headed towards Hunain under the guidance of the Prophet. Since the number of the Islamic army was twelve thousand, looking at this number, some of the companions said that who can win from us today, but this was not liked by Allah Ta’ala.

Capture of battle locations:

The infidels had already reached the battlefield and occupied important points from the point of view of war and deployed archers in gorges and passes so that the Muslims could be easily attacked.

As soon as he passed through the Tahama valley and entered Hunain, the enemy was lying in ambush, he suddenly attacked, due to which the Muslims faced a lot of trouble. Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa (peace be upon him) was riding a white mule named Daldal and the enemy had approached him.

Early defeat:

First, the enemy was already ambushed, and some Muslims were also proud of the large number of the army and because of this large number, they thought that none of us could win today. While victory depends only on the help of Allah Ta’ala.

One of the reasons for the initial defeat was that the hearts of the Muslims grew proud after seeing the greater number. There are many other reasons.

Young converts and booty:

In this war, there were some people who had just become Muslims, they had not yet developed the faith that should be there in the war. Therefore, as soon as the enemy attacked, their steps were taken.

It is in the Sahih Hadith that when the Muslims were first successful, the people broke up over the booty, due to which the enemy archers started firing arrows again due to which confusion arose in the ranks of the Muslims.

Unparalleled Bravery of Muhammad:

He (PBUH) proceeded saying Allahu Akbar in these circumstances. With this slogan of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), about a hundred companions gathered around him and attacked the enemy, thus apparently this defeat turned into a victory. The Holy Prophet said that I am the son of Abdul Muttalib and the Messenger of Allah. There is no doubt about it. On the order of the Prophet, Hazrat Abbas called the Ansar and the Muhajirin. Everyone heard this voice and returned; thus, the battlefield again fell into the hands of the Muslims. went.

Defeat and Capture of the Enemy:

When the Muslims entered the field again with a renewed spirit, the enemy could not stand them, left the battlefield and ran away, going to Awtas and Taif and hiding. The Muslims pursued them in the books of history. It is said in the name of Taif that Dared was killed and Muslims started arresting the fleeing Muslims.

Courtesy of Prisoners:

After the distribution of the booty, the Prophet (peace be upon him) was still staying in Jaarana when a delegation of Banu Hawazan came to his service and requested the release of their prisoners, which the Prophet (peace be upon him) accepted. He released the prisoners of his family. The emigrants and the Ansar also followed his example saying that our property is the property of the Messenger of Allah, may God bless him and grant him peace. (Mir 13214 Bukhari Kitab Al-Maghazi Chapter Ghazwa Hunain 100/5)


The following were the results of this campaign.

  1. No power remained in the field against Islam within Arabia. The initial defeat taught the Muslims that victory and defeat in war is based on faith and not on external strength.
  2. A lot of booty and wealth came to hand.
  3. Some of the unbelievers who were left behind also started to convert to Islam. From this throughout the Arabian Peninsula
  4. No fur remained, or they accepted Islam, or they fled the country.
  5. This was the last conquest of the Arab Muslims. After that, Ghazwa Tabuk went to regular borders and fought with Christians.

Only peace

And Allah knows best

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